3Mistakes Avoid By an Affiliate Marketor

 Are you new to affiliate marketing and feel lost and confused of where to start?

Hey, what’s going on? Welcome to my channel. My name is Markus Naves. And in the next few mins, I’m going to tell you about the 3 beginner mistakes affiliate marketers should avoid when they first start out online. If you refuse to avoid these mistakes, it will be very detrimental to your business.

Now, if you’re watching this live inside of my Leadsark group, go ahead and give me a hashtag live right now and heart this video. So we can get it out to as many people as possible.

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If this is your first time to this channel, I want to welcome you to this channel. We do a lot of affiliate marketing trainings, and I show you how to put together a lead generation system for your affiliate marketing business.

So be sure to stick around with me until the end of this video, be sure to like, and subscribe this video. Because if you stick around with me to the end, I will make sure that I hook you up with something from me for free as a special thank you for being here.

All right, so let’s jump right into it.

The title of this training is three beginning mistakes affiliate marketers should avoid. When first starting online, if you make these mistakes, your business will die very quickly.

Today’s agenda…

  • Number one, what mistakes I’ve made and why I created this training. I’m going to show you exactly what mistakes that I made in my business and how you can start to avoid those and why I created this training for you.
  • Number two, the three mistakes to avoid as a beginner affiliate. So I’m going to jump right into the top three mistakes that you need to avoid as a beginning affiliate marketer.
  • Number three, the new school way of doing affiliate marketing and how to start winning in your business right away.
  • Then we’re going to go over some Q and a. All right. So let’s jump into it.

Your account has been banned. Wow. Whoa. What? This happened to me back in 2017, when I first started my affiliate marketing business. I went on YouTube. I searched for how to make money online work from home job opportunities. Just like a lot of you might have been doing when you found this video. Right? Okay. And then people on those videos told me that I had to follow these five steps in order to succeed in my business.

  • Number one, they told me I needed to join Clickbank or JVzoo to find some great affiliate offers, to promote and find some great products to promote.
  • Number two, they told me I needed to post affiliate links all over my social media accounts. So when people click on my links that I can start making easy commission sales on those, uh, products that I found on Clickbank.
  • Number three, they told me to run ads straight to my affiliate link. So once I found the product that I liked, I could, uh, put some ads together, put my affiliate link inside when, uh, Google or Facebook showed those ads to the people that I wanted them to show it to. Those people were going to click on my link and then they were going to buy for me. And I was going to make all of this money. Right. That’s what they told me.
  • Number four, find groups and add friends on Facebook and send them to your affiliate link. Okay. So they told me, go on Facebook, go join some groups, go inside of the groups, add some members, um, that, uh, are similar to your interests. Add them to your friends list and then have conversations with them inside a messenger, and then send them your affiliate links.
  • Number five, they told me to go after the low hanging fruit, which were my family and friends. Right?

Okay. I started doing that. I started doing all these things that they told me to do. And guess what happened?

They said Markus, you’re a spammer. We can no longer allow you to do this. Your account is banned. Google ad-words. Your account is suspended. Facebook. Your account has been disabled. Nothing you can do. You in Facebook, jail and your business has stopped overnight.

This happened to me back when I first started my business, because I followed all of these principles and these tactics and these old school ways of doing affiliate marketing. And I want to show you a better way to do this. Show you a different way to do this. Show you a shortcut. That’s going to make it. So you aren’t being called a spammer and you aren’t getting your accounts banned on social media.

So why I created this training?

  • I want you to avoid the headaches. I had to go through to get my accounts back. You know how hard it is to try to convince Facebook or Google ad words that, oh, I didn’t mean to be a spammer, you know, can I get out, can I get my account back? Right? Or your email auto responder? Oh, I didn’t mean to send, you know, a thousand spam emails. Can I get my account back? It’s such a headache. I want you to be able to avoid these things of trying to get your account back.
  • I also want you to avoid the pain, frustration and self doubt you will be having when your business is not working.

So when you first start off and you start doing those things that I mentioned earlier, right? You’re going to realize real quickly that those things don’t work. All right. And you’re gonna be frustrated. You’re going to really be thinking to yourself, is this really working? Is this a scam? Like, I don’t know if this is for me. All right. You’re going to be having that self doubt run through your mind. So I want you to be able to avoid that pain, that frustration, and that self, self doubt by understanding the right way to do this.

  • I also want you to avoid the time wasted on old school tactics. That just don’t work. All right. I’ve said that already. You know, don’t do the things that I just mentioned earlier because they just don’t work. Also want to avoid not making the money and the impact that you deserve.

So if you choose to do those old school tactics, you’re not going to make any money. You’re not going to be able to create an impact and your business is going to die and you’re going to be labeled as a spammer. We don’t want to be labeled as those things.

We want to be able to provide value to the marketplace. We want to be able to help as many people as we can. We want to be problem-solvers in our business and then we want to make an income while we’re doing it and having the freedom to do the things that we want to do because we’re helping people.

So we’re making an impact and we’re making the money that we want to be making in our business. All right. That’s what we deserve. That’s what you deserve and that’s what I want you to be able to avoid

  • Not making the money and the impact that you deserve.

We don’t want that.

So the number one mistake, let’s get into three mistakes. The number one mistake that beginner affiliate marketers tend to do is promoting too many products.

There’s so many possibilities out there in a world where we have too many choices and too little time, the obvious thing to do is just ignore stuff. So what’s going to happen to your business when you just have all of these affiliate products that you’re trying to promote, that, you know, you you’re, you’re not able to focus on all of them at once because there’s just too many things.

So we want to instead focus on these three things:

  • Number one, we want to focus on one product, one high ticket offer. Okay. If they don’t like our high ticket offer, then we can scale it back and give them a more low ticket offer on the back end.

But we want to work to attract our dream customers and present them our high ticket offer, because it’s just as hard to sell a high ticket offer as it is a low ticket offer. And that’s the truth. Okay. It takes just as much time, energy and work to sell high ticket offers that then it does low ticket offers. Okay. So understand that. Okay. High ticket offers one product guide.

  • Number two, one goal. We want to help people solve problems. As an affiliate marketer, that’s our number one job, help people solve problems. People have problems when they’re trying to build their business and all we have to do is be one step ahead of them.

So if we are reading books or taking courses or learning things we may be one step ahead of that other person that are searching for ways to increase traffic, increase leads, increase sales into their business. All right and that one piece of information that you have for them can be the factor of them succeeding. So we need to be helping people solve their problems. That’s our job as affiliate marketers.

  • The last one is the one message. Once we focus on one message, we are able to attract our dream customers over and over and over again and the quality of customer is going to continue to get better. As they come there, you’re going to be able to start to see that, okay, these are the same type of people. These are the people I do like to work with. These are the people that I want to work with instead of those, the ones that are not opting into my products and services. Those are the ones that I want to repel. I only want to help those who want help.

All right. So one product, one goal, one message. That’s what we need to be focusing on in our affiliate business.

Mistake Number two is not shortening your affiliate links. When you sign up for an affiliate program, you’re going to get an affiliate link, the affiliate link is consumed of letters, numbers, symbols, underscores. It’s just a lot of clutter is really, really long, um, because they have to be able to use that to track, or to be able to tell who exactly the link is coming from so you will have your own personalized link linked to your account. This is going to be very, very long. If we don’t shorten our affiliate links there is as a greater opportunity of getting our accounts banned.

So why is shortening your affiliate links better?

  • Number one, it just looks better. Aesthetically. It just looks better. It’s not some long crazy link that just takes up a whole page. Right? Okay. It’s just shorter. But we still are able to click that and go to the page that we want them to go to.
  • Number two it will help make your reading experience a lot smoother so your viewers, your followers, your subscribers, everybody, it just helps make the reading experience smoother for them.
  • Number three, it’s easy for viewers to share your content. This is really the, one of the biggest reasons why they created link shorteners okay. Easy, easier for viewers to share the content. You want people to share your content. You don’t want them to be sharing a long affiliate link. Okay. We want to give them a short, easy, simple link that they just can copy and paste and share with their followers and their audience.
  • Number four, this helps you as the affiliate marketer, track your marketing campaigns. When people are clicking on your links, guess what is going to tell you that they’re clicking on your links. You’re going to know how many clicks you have. You’re going to know where the clicks came from. Um, and you know, who’s clicking on it for the first time who’s clicking on it repeatedly. You’re going to be able to find out a lot about your traffic and your audience, because you are now shortening your affiliate links.
  • Number five, it won’t get your account banned on social media. So having a link shortner is not going to get your account banned. So you can put it inside of ads on Facebook or Google or TikTok or YouTube or wherever you’re running ads. You can put it in your profile, um, on social media profiles, Facebook, Instagram, those things like that so they won’t ban your account because it’s not looking spammy. It’s not long, it’s short.

All right. So that’s why shortening your link is very, very important.

Finally, the final mistake, number three is affiliate marketers fail to build a lead generation system.

One of the biggest assets in your entire business, no matter if you’re online or offline are customers and leads. So you want to be able to build out a lead generation system that’s going to attract your ideal customers to your affiliate products and services.

Why is this important? When we do this, we’re able to:

  • Take your lead on a journey to your products and services. So when we attract our leads to our lead magnets, and we’re going to be able to take them from them being cold traffic, to getting them into our lead magnet, making it warm traffic and then inside of that lead magnet, we’re going to provide so much value and so much information that they are ready to step up and take action. They’re going to convert themselves inside of your lead magnet.
  • Number two, this is important because it also helps us build the number one asset online, which is our email list. Okay. We want to be building your list. Okay. The money is in the list. There’s a lot of people that don’t know you. They don’t like you. They don’t trust you online. Okay. So when we’re building our list, we’re able to turn those cold people into warm and those warm people into hot leads. We’re building that trust. We’re building that rapport offering them more value and providing more products and services that can help build out their business. So we want to be building our email list so we can follow up with customers, um, build that rapport and sell them more of our products and services.
  • Number three, we want to be able to provide value to nurture and convert your leads. So with your lead magnet, um, when you put this lead generation system together, you’re going to be able to nurture your leads inside of this lead magnet. You’re going to be able to answer all of the questions that they may have overcome all of the objections that they might have about the product or service, or get them off the fence of, you know, really taking action on what you’re talking about.

Building a lead generation system is going to help you be able to provide more value to your ideal customers and then not only that convert them into sales as they come and join your lead magnet and start, uh, you know, checking out whatever your lead magnet may be.

  • Finally, why this is important because we get to make commissions without slaving away in messenger. How many of you have been doing that? You’ve been on Facebook or you’ve been on Instagram or whatever, your social media, traffic preferences, and you just been talking in DM people inside of messenger all day and you’re slaving away and you lose track of who you talking to and what you’ve said to them and where you are in the conversation. It’s just a headache.

So building a lead generation system eliminates a lot of that. We are going to attract them to our lead magnet and then once we get them in our lead magnet, we’re going to nurture them, provide more value to them so they can understand why they need what we’re giving them. Right? Then those who understand and see that, okay, I do need this in my business. They’re going to convert into sales because we’re going to make them an offer inside of our lead magnet.

Then therefore with the offer, they’re going to be contacting us. They’re going to be, uh, scheduling calls with us, or they’re going to be buying our products and services, or they’re going to be the buying our stuff. And that’s what we want. We want to be able to make money without having to slave away and messenger.

So these are the top three mistakes that every beginning affiliate marketer needs to avoid. If you fail to avoid these mistakes, you’re going to get your account banned. You’re not going to get any leads and, um, your business is going to die. I mean, to be honest, I mean, that’s just what it is. You have to be able to fix these things. So these things won’t happen to you.

Okay. Now the new school way of marketing your business. So you want to use these six steps in order to start marketing your business the right way.

So I talked about it a few seconds ago.

  • Number one is create a lead magnet for your product or service. There’s so many different lead magnets out there that you can use. You can do eBooks, you can do articles, templates, case studies, uh, many courses. Um, that’s the one I prefer, um, a free course. That’s the one I do. I’m going to show you how that works here in a minute. Um, so you want to be able to create a lead magnet that provides more valuable information to your dream customers and your prospects. All right, that’s going to answer all of their questions, overcome their objections, and then really show them why they need the product that you’re talking about.
  • Number two, we want to insert your shortened affiliate link inside of that lead magnet. All right. So inside of my lead magnet, which I said is a free course, I have my affiliate links inside of there that says, you know, basically click this link to start setting these things up in order to, you know, build out your business like mine, or to do the things that I’m doing in my business to win. You have to use this tool, or you have to use this product, or you have to use this service in order for this to succeed. That’s what we’re basically telling them inside of our lead magnet. Okay.
  • Number three, we want to start a Facebook group. Now, if you don’t have any money to start and you’re, you’re starting this from scratch. You don’t have any money for email auto responders or sales funnel builders such as click funnels and things like that. All right. Even if you are using email auto responders and sales funnel builders, I still want you to do this step. Step number three is create Leadsarkk group. This can act as your opt-in page, so you don’t need money. Facebook is free. They allow you to get a free, profile and you can start your own groups inside of Facebook group.

In the, in the Facebook groups, you can make the groups private. When you make the group private, you’ll be able to take advantage of the three membership questions and you can make it required to join. Okay. And these are the three questions that I specifically ask inside of my Facebook group when people join.

I do a thing called the be the reason challenge. Okay. So my number one question is, have you registered for the, be the reason challenge as a yes or no question? All right. If they say yes, I know they registered. If they say no, I know, okay. I need to get them the information so they can register for the challenge.

All right. Second question is, what’s the number one struggle you’re having with affiliate marketing. Okay. So if you are, you know, what’s your number one struggle you’re having with it within your niche.

Okay. So it just doesn’t have to be affiliate marketing. It could be network marketing, it could be finance. It could be whatever your specific niche is. Okay. What’s your number one, struggle asking this question is going to allow us to always have content to create as http://leadsark.com/JoinNow.aspx?e=&id=20443&pid=0, because people have different problems, um, that they are struggling with in their business. Some people might be struggling with traffic. Some people might be struggling with getting leads. Some people might be struggling with, you know, building out landing pages, so many different things that go into building out a business. So there’s a lot of different struggles. So you’ll be able to get, um, different content ideas because you asked this question.

The final question, um, what’s your email address so I can send you whatever your lead magnet is. Okay. So we want to offer our lead magnet as a bonus and an incentive to join our Facebook group. So join my Facebook group and you’re going to receive my affiliate marketing course for free. I’m going to ask you these three questions. So how can I, what’s your email address so I can send you this affiliate marketing course.

All right. So once they provide their email address, we want to make sure we copy all of those answers. We can put them into a spreadsheet. Uh, so we, we have them and we know exactly who the person is. If they registered for the challenge, what they’re struggling with and what’s their email address. Okay. So four things I can find out for just having them take advantage of the three membership question feature on Facebook. So we want to make sure we do that. I’m going to show you how this all works here in a second.

  • Number four. We want to give away your lead magnet as a bonus when they join your group. I just mentioned that a minute ago.
  • Number five. We want to now start building your email list and following up. So since we collected their email inside of the Facebook group and the membership questions, all right, we are now building our email list. So what we want to do now with them is follow up with them. How are they doing with the course? Um, you know, what other questions do they have pertaining to what you’ve given them. Follow up with them, see where they are. See if they even looked at it, see if they need any questions answered on it. Okay. So a lot of affiliate marketers fail to follow up with their prospects. So we want to make sure we’re doing that, but we need to do that by building our email list, um, because the money is in the list.
  • Number six, we want to make sales when your dream customers take action. So we’re going to know who our dream customers is, who our buyers are, because they’re going to pull out their wallets. They’re going to pull out their credit cards. They’re going to punch in those numbers. And then they’re going to buy from us and take action. Those are the ones that we want to focus on and make sure that they have everything they need to be successful and put our energy into. Okay. Those are our customers who are just in our lead magnet, who haven’t taken action. We want to continue to follow up with them and, you know, try to push them over the edge. So now they can pull out their cards and, you know, spend money with us.

All right. So now I’m going to show you exactly how I utilize these six steps in my business and show you exactly what I do.

So what this looks like in real time. Right over here, here’s my Facebook profile. So if you go to my Facebook page right now, make sure you go add me on Facebook. My name right here at Markus Naves, you can add me on Facebook. Also add me on TikTok down here as well, saying same name, but okay.

This is what this looks like in real life in real time. So this is my Facebook profile. I have my headline here. I tell them to join my Facebook group and receive my affiliate marketing course for free. So yours can say, join my Facebook group and receive my, uh, ebook or my article or this case study or whatever your lead magnet is. Tell them what it is. Okay. So mine’s a course affiliate marketing course. All right. And now here’s the link in order to join my group.

Okay. So when people come to my Facebook profile page, they see a headline in my bio, it says, join my group and receive affiliate marketing course. Those of you who are interested in affiliate marketing, they’re going to click this link. It’s going to take them over to my Facebook group.

So let’s go down here to TikTok, same thing. My TikTok bio, I have a headline get access to my free course and learn how to make money online. Join my free Facebook group. I have that exact same link from my Facebook profile in my TikTok account. Both of these links go to my Facebook group. Once they select joining these membership questions, what a pop up to where they have to answer these three questions. All right. So this is an older one, but right. This one says, you know, are you a Clickfunnels user?

Yes or no. So if they answer, yes, I know they already have clickfunnels. They already understand how landing pages might work, they already know what a sales funnel software is. If they say no, then I know that they don’t have Clickfunnels. They might not know what any of that is and I should introduce them to the software.

Question number two, what’s the number one thing you would like to learn about affiliate marketing? I went over this, um, and number three on the previous slide. Okay. So now I’ll always have content once they put their number one struggling here.

Then that last question is what’s your best email address to receive the free course. Now, once they provide this information, what I do is I take all of this information. I put it inside of a spreadsheet, so I have it.

So the person’s name, are they a clickfunnels user? Yes or no? What’s their number one struggle and then what’s their email address. So I collect those four things, put it inside of a spreadsheet, and then I add them to my email sequence.

As soon as I put that email that I get from here, I put it inside of my email sequence. Then I automatically send them my free course. And over the next few days, I’m going to start building rapport and building the relationship with my leads. I’m going to be telling them about my struggles. I’m going to be overcoming objections. I’m going to be answering questions that they have inside of my email sequence so they can get to know me better. They can get to like me better and they can get to trust me better. Um, and you know, uh, once they know like, and trust me, then they’re going to be raving fans for life and continue to buy from me over and over again.

Okay. So once they receive the link to get the free course, here’s the course. All right. So all they have to do is click the link. They’re going to go here. The free training reveals the hidden strategy, that super affiliates won’t tell you about that will exponentially grow your affiliate business. So you can create the income and make the impact that you’re looking for. This works, even if you have no technical skills. All right. So this is my lead magnet.

All right. So all they have to do is create an account here, enter their name, enter their email, create their account. Okay. So do you see how that works in real time and how that can be so effective in your business rather than, you know, spamming your affiliate links all over social media. We’re getting people to, uh, come to us. We’re getting, we’re attracting them, uh, by putting out valuable content in the marketplace.

They’re coming to our profile. They’re checking us out. They’re, they’re clicking on our links. They’re going to our Facebohttp://leadsark.com/JoinNow.aspx?e=&id=20443&pid=0ok group. They’re opting into our Facebook group, answering the questions, and then we’re delivering, you know, our lead magnet to them, with our affiliate links inside.

All right. So does anybody have any questions that I, you know of? Anything that I just went over so far? Okay. Make sure you drop them inside of the comments.

If you’re on Facebook, make sure you drop them inside of the comment section here on Facebook. If you’re on YouTube, watching the replay, make sure you put them in the description of down below in the comment on this and I’ll be sure to make sure that I answer all of your questions.

We want to avoid these three mistakes. We want to put a system together. That’s going to help us generate the quality leads that we’re looking for. So we can attract, nurture and convert our leads into sales.

Did you get value from this value video? If you got value from this video, make sure you hit that like button.

If you’re watching this on Facebook, make sure you heart this video, get it out to as many people as we can get it out to. And if you have not yet, make sure that you subscribe to this channel.

Inside of the link of the description of this video, you’re going to have an opportunity to join my Facebook group if you haven’t already. Um, and when you join my group, you’ll be able to get access to my free affiliate marketing course inside of this course, I’m going to teach you how to build out this lead generation system that I was just talking about that’s going to attract, nurture and convert your leads into sales for you. You can copy and paste this system and leverage my training or you can convert this into your own and make it your own, which I highly recommend that you do.

I want to thank you guys for watching and checking out this video and rocking with me all the way until the end of this video. Make sure that you grab that free course.

poloduke11.wordpress.com get inside and make sure you answer those three questions. Otherwise I won’t let you in the group. Then I’m going to send you over that free course. All right. These mistakes are going to burn you if you don’t follow these rules.

I don’t want it to do that. That’s why I created this video.

All right. I want to thank you. And I appreciate you guys watching this video. Remember, it’s time to be the reason for your own success. Y’all take care.


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